Bibliography to 1997
Bibliography (a selection only - up to 1997)
Anon, "Chance to hear the mermaids sing..." Opera Australia June 1995
Barkl, Michael. "Whiticker, Michael" Oxford Companion to Australian Music. 1997
Blanks, Fred. "Five easy pieces", The Sydney Morning Herald 16 October 1995
Bok, Henry. "New Techniques for the Bass Clarinet" Editions Salabert 1989
Boyd, Chris. "Australian New Music, Melbourne Symphony New music Ensemble" Australian Financial Review 13 November 1992
Broadstock, Brenton (Ed). Sound Ideas. Sydney: Australian Music Centre, 1995.
Carmody, John. "Follow-up is easy listening." Sydney Morning Herald 15 April 1991
Chan, Lyle. Soundscapes May, 1996,
Cochrane, Peter. "Music beyond the frontiers of Stravinsky." Age 8 April 1992, 14-15.
Covell, Roger. "Two operas in embryo." The Sydney Morning Herald 14 October 1987, 14
Cummings, D.M. and D.K. McIntire. International Who's Who in Music and Musicians. 12th Ed, Cambridge: Melrose Press, 1990: 895.
Field, Keith. "Concerto proves composer's worth" Herald Sun 12 October 1993
Gyger, David. "Chance to hear the mermaids sing" Opera Australia June 1995
Hall, Loretta. "Babe tunes best by Miles." Herald Sun 7 October 1993, 42
Halls, Bronwyn. "A tortured cry for justice." The Melbourne Review 14 November 1990, 16
Keam, Glenda "Anthology of Australian Music on Disc" Music in New Zealand Spring 1995, 61.
Knight, Katherine. "Intimate Music Adventure" Artswest June 1996, 14
Letts, Richard. "Recent foreign performers of Australian works", Your Career as a Composer, Allen & Unwin, 1994: 95,96,98,99.
McCallum, Peter. "Politics, music and parody a triumphant trinity" Sydney Morning Herald 27 April 1993.
McCallum, Peter. "Poetry and music of mermaids."
McErlain, Julie. "Orchestra a rare treat." Standard (Warrnambool) 13 November 1993.
Menzies, David. "Michael Whiticker, Composer-in-residence." Encore, Newsletter of the Melbourne Symphony August 1992.
J.P. "CD Reviews: Michael Whiticker - Redror." Realtime 15 October 1996
Sari, Daniela. "A musical journey made of a thousand images." La Nuova (Cagliari) 5 December 1991
Shanahan, Ian & Dench, Chris. "An emotional geography". Sounds Australian
Skilbeck, Joan. "Tartengk: Michael Whiticker." Discovery-Teaching Kit No. 3 MSO 'Art-Ed' Programme (July 1994)
Skinner, Graeme. "Crimes of expression." The Sydney Review April 1992
Strachan, Laurie. "Music in Sydney" The Australian 23 July 19
Webb, Marius. "On the Western Front" The Guide, Sydney Morning Herald, 19 March 1996
Whiticker, Michael. "From the Composer's Desktop." Melbourne Symphony: New Music News 6 (November 1993)
Whiticker, Michael. "Twentieth Century Orchestra, Concert No. 3, an introduction." Melbourne Symphony: New Music News 5 (October1993)
Whiticker, Michael. "The Melbourne Symphony New Music Ensemble." Melbourne Symphony: New Music News 2 (November 1992)
Whiticker, Michael. "The sound of one cymbal crashing, an interview with Peter Neville." Melbourne Symphony: New Music News 3 (April1993)
Whiticker, Michael. "Brett Kelly - interview with Michael Whiticker." Melbourne Symphony: New Music News 3 (April1993)
Williams, Lynne. "Emerging Australian Composers." Musical Times (London) November/December 1988, 591-94